Category Archives: ….By Christmas

The Mommy Diaries

The Mommy Diaries; to all you moms out there write them. When I was a baby my mom wrote to me, in her dairy. She described how she felt, what she was excited for and what was happening. Seriously, priceless!

The Mommy Dairies

The Mommy Dairies

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How Our Mustache Party Turned Out


I don’t even know this guy but I love his mustache. Follow this link to my sisters blog to see how the party turned out.

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Mrs. Clauses and Her Elves

Here is a little video clip from the holidays in my home town. Neighbor gifts are important and Mrs. Clauses and her elves worked hard this year.

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A Mormon Single Girl’s Guide to Surviving the Holidays

I know, I know, the holidays are over. But here is the truth, they just happened and I survived them. I should save this post and post it for next season. Being a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is wonderful; being 28 and single can be awkward.  Here is my favorite way it is explained:

“The situation of a Church member who is single can be illustrated by a simple analogy. Imagine that your favorite hobby is stargazing and you’ve just joined a stargazing club. You come to your first club activity eager to participate. It’s a cold night, but you’re not concerned: most of the club members are wearing club jackets, and you’ve been told you should be able to get one as well. But there is no jacket for you. You ask about it, and you are told to keep looking and that if you do your best, you will find a jacket when the time is right.

Meanwhile, you are getting pretty cold and a little worried. And you notice that most of the other club members are talking about how nice and warm their jackets are. In fact, throughout the evening the topic surfaces continually in various forms: how to wash and dry your jacket, how to add extra pockets, how to mend it, and so forth. Some of the club members notice you don’t have a jacket. “You really need a jacket for these activities,” they tell you. “Why don’t you have one yet?”” Source

I feel like the holiday season is times were I am asked about “my jacket” the most. So here are a few ways I deal with it:

1. Travel in packs

Whenever possible bring other single friends along to those company parties or a friendly get together.  Show those “Marrieds” that there are others like you out there and it isn’t that strange.

2. Practice what to say

If you have a sassy comeback ready when someone ask you why you are still single you’ll be ready. 2012 Season favorite: “How many superheroes do you know who are married?”

3. Don’t hire out a love interest

Life isn’t a Hallmark Christmas movie, don’t fake or lie, own your singledom.

4. Try to understand

For some odd reason people feel really comfortable talking about the weather and pointing out people’s marital status. If it isn’t comfortable for you to talk about, veer the conversation elsewhere.

5. When all else fails, asks for advice and tune it out

I pull this one out only when I am most irritated by the “Marrieds” blatantly offensive comments. I simply ask what do you think I should be doing different. Usually response starts with “Flirt……” and ends with who knows what, I tuned them out remember. (Okay, truth be told I usually do listen and try to apply what they say because as irritated as I am, you never know what you are going to learn.)

And lastly,  number six comes from a personal rule… long as your single never say no to a blind date. Blind dates always make for an interesting  story whether it is at your 50th wedding anniversary or as you relate the tale back to friends about the epic fail, blind dates make for an interesting life.

Hey girlsource

Caution: If you click on this source you could be lost for hours laughing and lusting like I was. I love Ryan, remember this post? I swear there was a “Hey girl, Looking for your jacket?” And I wanted to post that one but this one works too. I just kept looking couldn’t find it anywhere, but I didn’t mind searching.

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So Distracted…

I get distracted so easily. Whoa. I have to get this under control. Can you say A.D.H.D. much? I am not sure what to think about it. I have like six windows up and I have half a text typed out on my phone. Suddenly I am posting this video on my cousin’s facebook page, why even? Just because it is Wednesday I guess. I think it was just the way my day went. I felt like I just wasn’t able to really focus. Work was like; clock in, make a schedule, return home for forgotten keys, help school, answer phones, fix elevator, hang ornaments, cover breaks, up stairs, down stairs, here, there, in, out… get the picture. Right? Days at work are so random, just take these sentences here for an example:

  • I just walked through that hexagon
  • I just came here for the top hat
  • Frosty the snowman la dee da
  • Your back makes a great head rest
  • Exercise make you look young
  • The reindeer will be here on the 22nd

Opps I got lost on pinterest, this is a lost cause. But just FYI not all those phrases where said by children and the last one was an announcement I made this afternoon. Just stay young folks.

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Goal #1

To inspire others. People shine when they believe they can make a lasting impact, this may be the core of everything we do.


Christmas Tree Hunting

It has always been a tradition to go Christmas tree hunting during the Thanksgiving break. It is usually after Black Friday, on  Saturday. We went. It was just me , my two sisters (Karli and Krystal), my pops, and Sidekick Suki.

Suki got lost a bit. She ran around the mountain like a crazy dog. We had to call after her several times and it wasn’t until later my dad said he was worried that the bears got her.  It sounds like we were up in Alaska but no just up the road a bit from our home.

My dad knocked his tool kit over and  all his tools went down into the snow. I searched them out with my bare hands until Karli came up with a pair of gloves. I still think there was one shiny tool in the bottom of the snow.

We passed up several Charlie Brown trees and skinny trees, things got wild on the muddy road and we finally found the tree for us.

I hope it is pretty enough for my dad’s taste, but I already like it better than last years. It was an adventure that ended with us all becoming smoky’s friends. ( That is not a crazy drug reference rather a reference to the fact we got stopped by the ranger with a gun but we were all legal with the tree tag and smiling faces.)



I am a HUGE Andrew Belle FAN!!

I don’t thin that I have expressed that sufficiently in this blog. I love his voice.  I love his music.  Tomorrow is Veteran’s Day and then there is Thanksgiving, Christmas  is still too far away. BUT….  this is cause to let a  little Christmas slip into our lives.  

I was lucky enough to hear about him from my rocking sister Krystal. It was her birthday and we were headed home for the weekend when she switched the plans  into going to SLC to see one of her favorite singers. I am glad she did because we were able to meet him. She got a great birthday hug and I was introduced to his music.  We have met him one other time. Here is some evidence :

(My sister is what I call the celebrity-snuggler. I will show more proof of this in a later post.)


Boyfriends by Christmas

It is a real pact. I’ve made it before. The pact. I haven’t even hit the goal. I’ll leave the people I made the pact with because we aren’t all 13 at heart like I am.  I giggle over this one.