Category Archives: Heath check

How Our Mustache Party Turned Out


I don’t even know this guy but I love his mustache. Follow this link to my sisters blog to see how the party turned out.

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Called In.

It was just one of those days. I couldn’t go in to work feeling like this. So I had myself a sick day, aka a sleep day. I felt like I was cemented to my bed. Or in Karli’s words “Smooshed to the bed all day”. I probably shouldn’t blog on my sick day, if you are well enough to blog aren’t you well enough to work? No, no not at all. Blogging is quite a challenge at this point, like everything else but I have to try something new because I started to dream that I had gone to Russia to see Justin Bieber in concert. I have been shopping online for things I don’t ever need, vases from Indonesia and this throw:

throw   Throws, they are like baby blankets for adults. That is not practical, it isn’t like we are going to carry them around everywhere with us. We are going to throw them over something else to hide a small portion of that object, like a chair or a bed. Yes, yes we are and that place will become a place of comfort, a welcoming area of rest. Maybe  I do need a throw.

I also am chatting with old friends online and it has been long enough that there is too much to say and maybe not long enough to create enough to say. In our words and we avoid our lack of staying in contact and express our gratitude for each other in the past. All of which reminds me to be a better friend.

I watched this and thought of another friend who needs to remember that These times will pass.

I feel like I go hit with that train in Russia, what train? The one I blogged about years ago. Those were pretty cool words that accompanied that sick photo. "A train with a different opinion, heading West." by Tree GoreI so dislike being sick.

I pinned this:

shadows and even on this day in which I called in and did a whole lot of nothing, I look back over my blog post and I find I did find those extraordinary things, those hidden treasures.

Then There is the Song You Can Never Get Enough of….

Repeat, repeat, repeat. Anyone else would be going crazy but it fits so well with life. Every note, line, and pause, is perfect. You know the feeling. You have been here. Feeling like a crazy person as you play it once again. Maybe one more time, will be too much, it starts, never enough. That’s the moment I am talking about. L.O.V.E.

accidental vegetarian

The last 4 and 1/2 days I’ve been accidental vegetarian. (After the best steak of my life.) I am not sure how it happened or why. When I got to the forth day I decided to just keep going with it as I realized that I hadn’t eaten any meat.
What I found out: I like it. Yet I am a super grump. I felt hunger after a few hours and couldn’t wait until the next meal. My body ate the kindness section of me first.
The poor people I work with have suffered the most. Stuff I normally would let slide, I called them out on. (Even in front of others….bad news.) Oh well, I guess it was good to take care of business. One person thanked me for my crazy.
It ended when I came in and there was yummy dinner ready for me. I guess that I am going to be a carnivore for a little while longer.

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Have you ever ran into an emergency situation and not even known it was an emergency situation? I have a story to share today. It was one of the most alarming situations ever but came off really confusing. I went on mission for my religion for a year and a half.  Upon returning  from being away for so long I wanted to see people that I had not seen during that time.

One of the most important people, was my great grandpa. He had a bad accendent right before I had left and broke his jaw. Our goodbye was really heart breaking. I couldn’t wait to see him.

  • My family told me how good he had been doing, how he had held in the time I was gone.
  • They also told me that my English was just fine.

Those are two important statements because when we went to visit him he seemed normal yet I could not understand anything he said. I was confused beyond belief. We stood in his kitchen and I looked back and for to my family that seem as calm as can be and my Great grandpa who was speaking what I could only guess to be German mixed with Mandarin.

My dad said,  “Why don’t we go into the living room?” and I thought “Well, I understood that.” My dad lead my grandpa to his recliner and then sat us down. He grabbed the phone in his hand and told us to keep talking to Grandpa as he called his dad and the hospital.

My great grandpa had a stroke. We were lucky enough to visit him in time to catch it.  It was terrifyingly confusing. So, with that and this post always remember F.A.S.T!

And  here is a fascinating clip from T.E.D  about a scientist who studied strokes and then had one herself.

Educate yourself. My great grandpa is alive today because my dad was F.A.S.T.

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Why am I a Mo Sister?Why would a girl pretend to have a mustache, when thousand of dollars a year are spent by hundreds of ladies, on products that remove the lady ‘stache. Is it mustache envy, like my friend accuses me of having? Am I jealous of the furry patch between the nose and lip?

The answer to all the questions above are no. Prostate cancer is a serious. If me holding my hair up like mustache, helps someone remember about the seriousness of cancer, that is why.

Most important reason I do this, is to spread awareness.

If I can help one person make an appointment to see the doctor, then job well done.

Here is some information from the Movember Web site:


You don’t have to wait until you are sick to see a doctor. The fact that men continue to die from conditions that are potentially preventable and life expectancy remains low when compared to women, should be evidence enough that a more proactive approach is needed by men when it comes to their health. Movember is working hard to change current statistics and one of the key ways we are doing this is by encouraging men of all ages to have an annual physical. Get into the habit early in life and make it a priority each year.

So Mo Bros, remember to:

  • Find a Doctor you are happy with
  • Have an annual physical with your Doctor
  • Talk to your Doctor about the health risks for your age group, and what to do to reduce them
  • Know your body and what is normal for you
  • Promptly check out any changes in your body with your Doctor

I know two cancer survivors, they survived because the went to to doctor. I think that is all I need to say.

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