Monthly Archives: February 2012

Noticing a Pattern

I love Pinterest, like everyone else lately I’ve caught the bug. I enjoy looking at the different fashion. I love pinning outfits that I don’t have. I have noticed a pattern.

I’d really like a pair of orange pants.

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I make bad choices. I just ate chocolate cake for breakfast. I make good choices too.  I listen to Andrew Belle.

I last night I was at a basket ball game. I got there late and sat by my friends. We stood with the rowdy crowd. You know the type. (Bodies painted, decked out in team paraphernalia, shouting ridiculously.) I was so excited. It was so fun to be a part of something that was cheering for success.

Things changed quickly. I was nearest to the crowd.The crowd started shout at the opposing team, things I didn’t like. The man I stood next was the crudest person ever. Yuck. Then the man behind me set his nachos on my seat, on top of my coat. I was afraid I was going to sit in them.  As the night and my anger progressed I started thinking I would just sit in them. (More awkward things happened.)

I was there to support my sister, who was producing the broadcast. Every time a slow motion replay came on the big screens, I clapped and cheered for her. In the crowd we were able to shout at any time we wanted.

I was so happy for her but I couldn’t help thinking of a little saying.

As the man next to me, asked me to read the school song from his pant and bragged about how he almost got arrested for dropping the f-bomb, I just thought I am not a tree.

I am sure that this was meant to be more deep of a meaning, talking more about life rather than moments, but in that moment I was inspired.

I left. We can change. I can throw the chocolate cake out after two bites and I can make oatmeal. And well Andrew Belle, that is a always a good choice.

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Our chief want…

When speaking about her friends, Megan said,”They reminded me to inspire those in my life… day after day of the amazing life God has for them, of their untapped potential, of their amazing worth, of all of it.”That line just hit me. It reminds me of my friends and how lucky I am. This is such an amazing blog, written as glimpse into her life.

Megan Tsang | Photographer & Traveler

“Our chief want is someone who will inspire us to be what we know we could be.”
-Ralph Waldo Emerson

I’ve returned from an intense four days of learning and quality time with girlfriends. I am on fire. The year of 2012 continues to prove to be one for the record books. I returned home with a renewed sense of my ultimate purpose in life… which is to build relationships. Ultimately everything in my life points to that simple goal. My faith in God pushes me to that. The struggles I’ve faced prepared me for that. The transformation of strangers to kindred spirits encourages me towards that simple goal. Even my profession as a photographer (and traveler) is a platform for building relationships.

While in Vegas I was contacted by two men of my past. Jolted by the inexplicable coincidence of their timing and the stark contrast of their attitudes…

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Sidekick Sukie

For those who have been missing Sukie.And for those who don’t know what that even means.Check out Sidekick Sukie here.


My Easy Oscar Party Ideas in PEOPLE Magazine!

Brian Worley’s ideas for an Oscars are awesome! Do you think it is to late to throw this together? I love the movie themed snacks.

Extraordinary Experiences

Hey Ya’ll,

Are you getting excited for The Oscars this weekend? I absolutely love awards season because it combines two of my favorite things: parties and films! In fact, I created a festive party spread inspired by this year’s ‘Best Picture’ nominees that’s currently being featured in PEOPLE magazine. Check it out…

Here’s a quick rundown of the menu items I selected to represent each movie:

War Horse– Carrots with White bean and Tarragon Dip! An ode to the nominee’s four-legged star!

Midnight in Paris – Vegetable Quiche. A chic and tasty nod to the City of Light.

Tree of Life – Pulled pork BBQ sliders, yum! Serve these mini-sandwiches in honor of the movie’s setting and my home state, Texas!

The Descendants – Serve pineapple chunks on toothpicks because nothing captures island lifestyle more than fresh fruit!

The Help – This was an easy pick: chocolate pie a.k.a…

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“Table for one, please.”

I am not afraid to be alone. In fact I enjoy doing things alone frequently. Should we list some of the things I have done alone.

  • Movies
  • Road trips
  • Theme parks
  • Snow storms
  • Shopping
  • Flights
  • etc. (I’ll stop bragging about how awesomely lonely I am.)

There is one thing that I haven’t done alone before.  It has always been my goal. And it is so simple and silly that I had never done it. I could have checked this off my bucket list years ago.

I did it this week.  I ate at a sit down restaurant alone. (You know I have done the fast food/take out thing alone for years, but sit down now that is quality well deserved selfishness.)”Table for one, please.”  Could be the best selfish words that you can utter. Eating alone is purely for you. Normally you are there for more than the feeding of your belly. Eating alone is just that. No waiting for someone else to pick what they want to eat. No, the server isn’t waiting for conversation to die down. It is about you. When you close your menu it is time to order, when you set your fork down it is time to go. (After paying, of course.)

I felt like a lonely princess.

It was breakfast and I was surrounded by other folks dining alone.  I ordered eggs with ham and hash browns. I got two delicious bran muffins. And best of all a cup of hot chocolate! (And when I say a cup, I mean two because I was a crazy lonely princess; who enjoyed my solo meal out a little too much!)

My challenge for you folks, my blog readers (whoever you are),  is to dine alone. If you truly love yourself show if take yourself out and try it.

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Real Classy

I just arrived home from a blind date. It ended like this, “Are you looking for your keys?” He asks, as I rummage in my purse “Yea, I have to pee.” Real classy broad. (I know.) It was relatively successful.

With Valentines day coming tomorrow, I feel that I have seen more folks rushing into love. So many engagements, weddings and relationships changes. I think it is all great stuff but I not sure that a holiday should make us rush anything along.

Like this date tonight, not sure it would have happened without Single-Awareness day, lurking around the corner. Last night, I went to a party where there were hundreds of singles hoping to mingle before the big day.

I struggle at these kind of functions. I feel like I have to force myself to talk to people, to look like I am trying. I kept giving up. It was a small apartment and there were so many people. Several times in the night I curled up in one of the many corners and crossed my arms and legs in hopes that my body language would scare them away from me.

Please, I am not anti-social nor do I think I have crowds of people that were begging to talk to me. But there were moments where I had to just give up a little bit. Other times, I was all over socializing. I met and talked with more guys than the last two months combined. That was nice.

Oh, but how long did the party go on. I made a goal to just make it across the room, pushing myself through the hormones and pathetic attempts of flirting, just to get to the other side. (Like a chicken.)

Also, I took the little hearts, the party throwers provide as name tags, and wrote messages on them. My friends and I placed them on the backs of unsuspecting victims as we passed by them. I think my favorite was “Maybe Tonight”, Arrested Development fans might understand that cousin joke. One said “I am bringing sexy back” and I am not sure who that ended up on. But who wouldn’t want to go home from a long party, flirting attempts were made, numbers were never exchanged, yet someone somewhere thought sexy was brought back by little old me. (and a little J.T.)
I was able to start some conversations because of my obvious immaturity.

Once again, it was relatively successful.
Real Classy.

None the less, Happy Valentines Day! Just in case I am the only one who tells you today, I hope it is as awesome as you are.
Well, I do.

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72 Hour Dream

So this is my first video blog. I am not sure how I like it. We’ll see. I am not going to tell you all about it. I’d rather you just watch. I might have miss lead you because I didn’t have a dream for 72 hours. It just felt like it.

So that’s that. Make your own.

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