Category Archives: Community

52 Things My Dad Taught Me in 52 Minutes

I am pretty sure he thought we were just talking. It is Thursday night after all. We have let too many Thursdays pass. Don’t let your Thursdays pass.

1. He taught me about about humility because none of what follows came out as bragging, boasting, or overly confident.

2. I learned the importance of kind words. I learned it through his kind words.

3. I heard respect in his voice, with the way he spoke to me, and through the way he spoke of others.

4. Service, “When you share with others you are blessed with things to share.” It was a motto while I was growing up but more than that it is a way of life for that man.

5. The importance of hard work. It just makes you feel better when you are doing something. Yes, it might be silly to do something just to cross something off your list. And maybe T, you just aren’t one of those task oriented folks that lives to accomplish the next task but enjoy the feeling of accomplishment.

6. Eat healthy. (You feel better when you do.)

7. Ambiance, your surroundings affect you mood.

8. What is the use of going out to eat with people you care about, if you can’t carry on a conversation in the noise restaurant?

9. If you don’t like where you are move.

10. On the other hand, if you do like where you are and things are going great, why change?

11. Moving isn’t always progression.

12. Family. (They are seriously the most important.) With story after story, I heard about the important people in his life who are the important people in my life. The examples and role models he spoke about are my grandparents, great grandparents, siblings, step-siblings, uncles, aunts, my mom, and my step-mom. Seriously, how can I be so blessed with great people in my life?

13. Return to your roots.

14. Follow the legacy of you those who came before you.

15. Record their stories.

16. Share their stories.

17. Care about their stories.

18. They are more a part of your life and who you are than you could ever know.

19. It is okay to miss them.

20. Talk about them.

21. Gather memories.

22. Reach out to the family you can.

23. T, you are lucky to have came from such a rich heritage.

24. The importance of timing.

25. Everything happens for a reason. You might think it is fate or coincidence but really you are where you are right now for some reason. What are you going to do about it? Why are you there?

26. Something that one person might be going through might be a big deal to that person, just because it isn’t a big deal for you.

27. Don’t judge.

28. Your  problems are smaller than they seem right now.

29. Take time to enjoy the good moments.

30. Reach out.

31. You might be smart, competent, and capable but that doesn’t mean you always should.

32. Follow your dreams, and share your dreams.

33. Sometimes the thing you are most worried about not being able to accomplish is the thing that is holding you back for a reason.

34. Figure out what things mean.

35. Protect the people you love.

36. Be prepared.

37. To truly care about someone you ask about that someone, learn the important little details of their life and then ask about that.

38. Garden.

39. Full filling civic duties will lead to a full life.

40. Find the value in the individual.

44. Find hobbies that make you happy, and keep up on them.

45. History is important. Learn about it. Engage yourself in it.

46. Inspire others to serve.

47. Look to the future. Plan thing out in the future. Look forward.

48. Friendship is key. Make sure they know they important roll they are in your life.

49. Laugh.

50. Cry, when it is needed.

51. Tell people you love them.

52. Show them, you love them.

Like I said, I am pretty sure he thought we were just talking. It is Thursday night after all. We have let too many Thursdays pass. Don’t let your Thursdays pass.

Say something nice

Just Observing

Sunday Fashion

Just observing in my weekly worship services I noticed a pattern a theme to the discussion, lessons and talks. It sounded like everyone met together and figured out the perfect things for me to hear and collaborated to form the perfect day.  The only thing is I struggled not to think about fashion, I wanted to just talk to my friend, needless to say I was super distracted. I did however gather some of the amazingly inspirational greatness of the day.

This is what I  can share of what I learned to day: Reclaimed

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8 years ago….

I loaded up two suit cases. I went to the airport. I met up with a group of people and boarded a plane to China. My family cried when they said goodbye. I am sure I did too. I had really never left, a junior college 40 minutes from my house is nothing in comparison to Asia. I was headed off with three roommates from college. One of whom had convinced me in the first place, to go to the interview. The children’s faces in the photos convinced me this was a great idea.

I remember L.A. We held on to our bags like nervous traveling Americans. We found our gate. Our layover was long. Our head teacher took some motion sickness pills, knowing the long flight that was a head. We left our bags with the sleepy version of him. We were antsy and wandered. McDonald’s was the meal I chose as my last meal in the United State, I am a fool. I sat down with two of the new people, I was headed out with. I remember her pink hoodie and question whether they were dating; they seemed like they knew each other well. I learn they too, had just met. The hilarious ginger, had made the right food choice with a large plate of Mexican food in front of him. ( Actually,  as I am typing this I question everything I believe and have believed in the past eight years, HELLO WORLD!!!  A large plate of Mexican food right before a 15 hour flight to China? How could I ever have thought that was a good idea?)  Sure, we never ate Mexican food in China, minus the chicken tacos we made in from the box my mom sent, but still I just can fathom eating that before take off.

Anyways, nothing will match the feeling of that day. I was excited, nervous, and happy. No matter what I’ll never be who I was before I left for China again. I’ll never be that confidant, innocent, wide eyed girl headed out to see the world. China changed me. And I am glad I it did, I am glad I let it. Forever more I would be that confidant, innocent wide eye girl who hungers to see the world.

How Our Mustache Party Turned Out


I don’t even know this guy but I love his mustache. Follow this link to my sisters blog to see how the party turned out.

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A Mormon Single Girl’s Guide to Surviving the Holidays

I know, I know, the holidays are over. But here is the truth, they just happened and I survived them. I should save this post and post it for next season. Being a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is wonderful; being 28 and single can be awkward.  Here is my favorite way it is explained:

“The situation of a Church member who is single can be illustrated by a simple analogy. Imagine that your favorite hobby is stargazing and you’ve just joined a stargazing club. You come to your first club activity eager to participate. It’s a cold night, but you’re not concerned: most of the club members are wearing club jackets, and you’ve been told you should be able to get one as well. But there is no jacket for you. You ask about it, and you are told to keep looking and that if you do your best, you will find a jacket when the time is right.

Meanwhile, you are getting pretty cold and a little worried. And you notice that most of the other club members are talking about how nice and warm their jackets are. In fact, throughout the evening the topic surfaces continually in various forms: how to wash and dry your jacket, how to add extra pockets, how to mend it, and so forth. Some of the club members notice you don’t have a jacket. “You really need a jacket for these activities,” they tell you. “Why don’t you have one yet?”” Source

I feel like the holiday season is times were I am asked about “my jacket” the most. So here are a few ways I deal with it:

1. Travel in packs

Whenever possible bring other single friends along to those company parties or a friendly get together.  Show those “Marrieds” that there are others like you out there and it isn’t that strange.

2. Practice what to say

If you have a sassy comeback ready when someone ask you why you are still single you’ll be ready. 2012 Season favorite: “How many superheroes do you know who are married?”

3. Don’t hire out a love interest

Life isn’t a Hallmark Christmas movie, don’t fake or lie, own your singledom.

4. Try to understand

For some odd reason people feel really comfortable talking about the weather and pointing out people’s marital status. If it isn’t comfortable for you to talk about, veer the conversation elsewhere.

5. When all else fails, asks for advice and tune it out

I pull this one out only when I am most irritated by the “Marrieds” blatantly offensive comments. I simply ask what do you think I should be doing different. Usually response starts with “Flirt……” and ends with who knows what, I tuned them out remember. (Okay, truth be told I usually do listen and try to apply what they say because as irritated as I am, you never know what you are going to learn.)

And lastly,  number six comes from a personal rule… long as your single never say no to a blind date. Blind dates always make for an interesting  story whether it is at your 50th wedding anniversary or as you relate the tale back to friends about the epic fail, blind dates make for an interesting life.

Hey girlsource

Caution: If you click on this source you could be lost for hours laughing and lusting like I was. I love Ryan, remember this post? I swear there was a “Hey girl, Looking for your jacket?” And I wanted to post that one but this one works too. I just kept looking couldn’t find it anywhere, but I didn’t mind searching.

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Angel Man

My San Francisco Faces #2

  • Angel man who gave us tickets for the cable car. He showed up out of nowhere. (Okay not true. We just weren’t paying attention.) We were being all tourist-y taking pictures and making videos of the famous cable cars. We were planning on getting on trip down. When out of nowhere a handsome (not sure I remember that well but he was so nice that he gets a handsome in his description) blond man who was about 6’4″ with an accent and a brown jacket, early to mid forties, asked my sister if she had bought her tickets yet. She said,” No,” confused and said,  “I think you can pay when  you get on car.” She was thinking he was asking if he needed his tickets before.  He said here and handed her some tickets. We looked down in shock and all said thanks in unison.  And then he was gone. We had been trying to plan on a budget it was a blessing.  He must have been watching the crowd because he knew there were four of us in our party even though Lindsay had stepped away to check for prices. We never noticed him or his family picking us out but were grateful he picked us. 

In this moment I learned that good people are everywhere. Random acts of kindness are blessings. You never know who is watching. Also, I learned I would love to be more like him. My dad always says: “When you share with others you are blessed with more to share.” I know that Angel Man will be blessed for his kindness.

Cable Cars

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British Beauty

My Faces of San Francisco #1

  • British Beauty and I never interacted. But her words changed me and her accent caught my ears attention on the metro. She was in her early thirties, long blonde hair, fashion sense and San Fran whether sense.She wore a black classy blazer, white lacy dress and she was headed to the airport. She spoke with strangers and was friendly. Now for her life story or at least the shortened version that I learned  eavesdropping.  A cosmotaligist in the Cosmopolitan. She had moved to New York, felt unsatisfied with the attitude of the people of city. She explained that everyone was about going out, looking great, and where the party is at.  She was ready for the change.  She described as long as you love what you are doing it doesn’t matter where you are. So, she picked up her life and moved to San Francisco. She painted San Francisco with beautiful words.

“San Francisco  it isn’t a class, it isn’t a race, it has a style of it’s own. It is accepts everyone. It is beautiful.” (more or less… & super inspiring.)

San Fran is beautiful. It is accepting, I see why she moved there. I would.

This lady taught me so many things in such a short time frame and never even spoke to me.  “If you love what you do it doesn’t matter where you are.” If things aren’t going how you’d like change it. Life is about more than keeping up with everyone around you. Confidence is beautiful and sharing your story is inspiring.

San Franny Face

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Say Something….Nice!

Say Something….Nice!

I love this!!! And

Improv Everywhere made a video about this and I love Imporov Everywhere. (Side note: add on to my bucket list participate in an Improv Everywhere activity.)

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Rally Cappin’

I am so into baseball as of lately. ( As if my true followers didn’t pick up on that…How could you not?) I have never claimed to be competitive or sports-y. (In fact it has always been the opposite.) One time I did give a training on basketball and 3pt. shots in the MTC. It was great, not because of me. It was the perfect way to tie diligence in the gospel and on the mission with parable of sorts. (And this parable was the type that 19 year old boys were bound to pay attention to.) I owe that one up to some amazing inspiration.

It started out similar to this post. I never was athletic. I have never shot a 3pt. shot. Here in the MTC we don’t have very many options when it comes to work out time. Basketball or volleyball. To put it simply I hate volleyball. There are only three things I hate in life: Terrorism, Hatred, and Volleyball. I know that doesn’t even make sense but it is true. So I resorted to playing basketball. After playing one game with the Elders I decided I would shoot on my own for a bit.  Day after day, shooting and shooting, slightly changing my footing and slowly altering my technique (or lack of). I would spend most of the time chasing the ball.  Everyday I shot though. One day from the sidelines in heavy accented English I heard, “Sister you got three points!” “What did he say?” I thought as I chased after the ball again. I figured he was talking about me and my shooting. By the time I put it together I didn’t believe it was real. I kept shooting and then I realized I had been shooting from the 3pt. line and making it for some time now.  I wasn’t sure how long I had been doing this, heck I wasn’t sure this was even possible. Everything is similar if we use diligence.  (Learning a language, progressing in the gospel, changing habits etc. They all take will power and diligence. Don’t even get me started on will power today….save that for later. <3) At this time we all were stumbling through a language so I said that as we study, practice and use the language, one day we’ll hear from the sidelines shouting “Sister you’re doing it you are speaking Portuguese!” and we’ll realize “Hey I have been doing this for some time now.”  OR we’ll be teaching and we’ll hear from the sidelines “Elders, you are teaching that lesson nicely with the perfect amount of spirit” and we’ll realize “yeah, I have been doing that for sometime.” That is how diligence works. (With less commentary from the sidelines though.)

Enough about that lesson, I have never been athletic. Yet, last night I sent this text: “Bases loaded, 4pt. lead, 2 outs, Goose up to bat”  and I meant it. I was feeling the rush, the nervous energy, the excitement, the feeling that I belonged to something great. I learned what it meant to rally cap. I twisted my hair nervously, I shouted. This was it.

Rally capping didn’t help my team last night. But is taught me that we need to be rally capping for each other, showing our support. When you are down and out here’s my rally cap to you, random reader:  You can do it! I believe you can win, I know the pressure is a little bit heavy right now. Come win or loose I am here.  And tying for the fourth-longest winning streak in the record of the NCAA book, along with the 1972 Arizona State and 1988 Fresno State teams with 32 wins, I am here after that 33 game when the glory fades.  ( Okay that last one was less applicable to the random reader and more for a certain team.) Seriously, I get it now. Who is this girls staying up late thinking about sports? It ‘s me. I am not sure how long this will last but I will be rally capping for you reader.

The origin of Rally caps

The Origin of Rally Caps
Mets Rally Caps – Tim Teufel, Howard Johnson, Bobby Ojeda and Ron Darling

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Cool China Conference

I am not sure how your life goes but mine is the type that at times I stumble onto a Cool China Conference and I embrace it. I usually learn quite a bit and enjoy it even more.
It all happened like this: I was going to go see Hiliary Weeks talk about the power of our thoughts (For more on this Click here, so awesome!) and I did, but I told my sisters to give me a ride and that I would just walk home.
Instead of walking home I went to the library where I stumbled across what seemed to be a conference about Mormonism and I listened in on it for a good 15 minutes and then went searching for the China Conference. It was really cool and I learned more about one of the countries I love. The best surprise is that the band Matteo ( blogged about Matteo before, get a free song)  was there to preform. So I had to stay and listen to them. Here is a really poor video of them, my fault not theirs.
